Saturday, January 21, 2017

When pigs fly: Team Yankee Alternate A-10 that plays and feels more like the real thing.

Full disclosure (for those that haven't figured it out): I play Soviets in Team Yankee. So somehow, I feel like I am helping the wrong team and ultimately cutting my own own throat, but so be it! When it comes to gaming, I am good at making bad decisions. 

Here we go.....The Team Yankee A-10 SUCKS!  

This is a plane built around a bad ass 7-barrel 30mm gun that shoots up to 4200 depleted uranium rounds per minute and sounds like gawd almighty breaking wind when it does, but in Team Yankee, it is pretty much just another 30mm gun. Yes, it has a little more ROF and penetration, but most players will decline gun-play and elect to use the far more effective (in game) Maverick. We need to up gun this pig!

The second issue of pain is the lack of armor on the TY A-10. It gets 1 (3+) better save than an SU-25. As an American taxpayer, I simply find this unacceptable! It needs some way to show its resistance to small arms yet still be vulnerable to large SAMs. 

The Third and final point of dissatisfaction is the number of A-10 on the battlefield. A flight of four A-10s on a TY sized battlefield is beyond the ridiculousness of 20 pounds of bovine feces in a 10 pound bag. Four gimped out A-10s won't unbalance the game, but a 100-150 point battlefield shouldn't be seeing 4 real A-10s. Flight size needs to be reduced and they need to operate solo or in pairs without running away.

Take a look at Siberian Reds' Alternate A-10 Warthog. 

Try it out for your friendly home games and let me know what needs tweaking. Leave your comments below.

Also, let me know what planes you would like to see in Team Yankee.


  1. Rerolling a failed firepower roll basically means doubling the chances of their firepower test. So changing it to 3+ would be the exact same thing, with no slowdown.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Lord Byte. However, it is absolutely incorrect to say,"Rerolling a failed firepower roll basically means doubling the chances of their firepower test. So changing it to 3+ [The save is already 3+. I believe you meant 2+] would be the exact same thing, with no slowdown." Re-rolling FP has a much greater impact on a 7.62mm (FP6) than it does on a 12.7mm (FP5+). The 'Titanium Bathtub' rule is intended to simulate the A-10's increasing resistance to lighter weapons. FP is linked to weapon size and a FP re-roll has more impact on light weapons while a lower save would not have any linkage to the weapon size itself.

    2. 1/3 X 2 = 2/3 1/6 x 2 = 1/3
      But a Maverick missile is HEAT, Depleted Uranium is not involved in any way as it has no penetrator. Depleted uranium is used as a penetrator because of its density, it has no use in a missile, and it's not even part of the stats of the maverick missile.
      I'd just write it as 3+ but I can understand you wanting to roll that into a rule, or maybe it's already a rule, I just like taking away such needless complexity which many wargames are doing (as is FOW), as they seem to start to understand mathematics.

  2. Lord Byte, I thought you were talking about Titanium Bathtub. I completely misunderstood. Thanks for sticking with it! In regards to just lowering the FP for the GAU, I agree. That would be a better way to go. I will revise the Siberian Red alternate A-10 using your recommendation. I very much appreciate your comment. I think lowering (increasing) the to FP 4+ would be good and removing the re-roll.
