Monday, January 30, 2017

The Quick And Simple Counter To NATO Uber Tanks That The Soviets Never Got!

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A fellow Team Yankee comrade over at Reddit has a cool KA-50 model and wants to play in in TY. Although its a late development for a standard 1985 timeline, it would fit into an expanded timeline and be a hoot for friendly house games. 

The Kamov KA-50 was designed for the Soviet army, but did not enter service until 1995, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Based on what we now know of the helicopters development, it could have easily entered production years earlier if the need presented itself. 

Intended to fulfill the role of a pure attack helicopter without the Hinds limited transport capability, the KA-50 is often considered it vastly superior to the American Cobras and the Soviet equivalent to the Apache attack chopper. In its primary role as an anti-tank hunter killer, the KA-50 dramatically increases the capability of the Soviet (Russian) forces. The KA-50 is an excellent counter to M1, Chieftain and Leopard 2 MBTs. 

CAPABILITIES: The KA-50 is definitely a hunter killer and is known to be equipped with a full suite of enhanced thermal imaging. The chopper has armor almost equal to the MI-24, but has additional defensive systems that far exceed the Hind. It seemed reasonable to assign a save of 4+. 

WEAPONS: The are a multitude of possible weapons load-outs for the KA-50. The ATGM/rocket pod configuration is one of the most common. The Spiral-2 specifics are based on a review of published data and comparison to other in-game ATGMs. The Spiral-2 has a Thermobaric variant and a common load-out would have 2 of these resulting in Brutal special rule.

POINTS: The MI-24 has a point value of 2.5 points. After reviewing the capability of other choppers, I assigned the KA-50 a point value of 4 points. The main reason for the increase is the HUNTER KILLER ability. However, this ability is mitigated by the base hit number of 3+. Before using this unit in your game, discuss it with your opponent and get their agreement. Vary the points of this unit as you and your opponent see fit. If you cannot agree on a point value, don’t use this unit. 

This unit is intended for non-competitive house games and is home brewed by which makes no legal claims to Team Yankee and all that lawyer stuff. This is just for fun.  

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